A&M BioGiobal Projects & Events

A&M BioGlobal is working with Sfera, a South African company, successfully helping change poverty throughout the sub-Saharan regions.

A&M BioGlobal is helping bring Sfera not only to America, but to countries worldwide.   Homelessness is everywhere, and is being eliminated through education, certification in agriculture and 100% job placement and/or business start-up.

Sfera was a dream of Lawrence Tshifura, a very well known and respected non-governement philanthropist, who has put his dream into reality.   A&M BioGlobal is the American partner with Sfera. helping those who need help and are willing to help themselves get out of poverty. 

 “Only through the practical transfer of knowledge and equity will we all prosper as a nation. This will uplift rural communities, avert poverty and dissolve possible anarchy. Food security, water security, job creation, community upliftment and abundance are all possible through the Sfera hydroponics business model. 

Reduce Homelessness: Sfera will also provide housing on the 20 acres, to house the employees (mostly homeless).

The strength of this hydroponics business model is that it is modular, scalable and replicatible.

Each agricultural business model will provide the following:

  • Empower 60 people to operate the agri-training and agri-processing hub.
  • Train and empower 1000’s of rural farmers annually to become small business operators.
  • Operate 120 commercial hydroponic greenhouses at the agri-training hub.
  • Produce 6 tons of AAA grade greenhouse fresh produce per day, 365 days per year.
  • Supply seeds, Sumagrow, Humic Fulvic, soil amendments and all supplies needed by each small business operator.
  • Buy back, certify, package and sell all produce, farmed by each small business operator.

Hydroponics is the most profitable farming technology presently in use. It uses one sixth of the volume of water, as compared to normal farming. It only needs one tenth of the land area to produce the same yields as traditional open land farming.

Hydroponic farming has no negative side effects or detrimental impact on the natural environment.

There is an extensive executive level business plan that contains a full SWAT analysis, marketing plan, business plan, product information and financials.

“I hope this gives you a glimpse, of the potential that this vision has, to uplift an entire continent.  Diane Morse, Founder.

SumaGrow are being used in reinventing Houston, by transforming it to be fully organic.  Dr Robert Harding and his team, won one of the contracts (78 countries competed) from C40 Reinventing Cities competition.  One of the projects they are implementing, is transforming a 300 acre, old shutdown landfill, to an organic hydroponic system producing fruits and vegetables.  Also parks, schools etc.

DIANE MORSE, A&M Bioglobal, was one of 8 panelists for Africa’s Economic Stimulus Forum 30,000 audience  – spoke of the science driven microbials and  biostimulants, the distributorship and the manufacturing opportunities for all of Africa.   The questions were posed by Ministers of Agriculture. 

PROVIDING several states in USA, and many countries worldwide, with SumaGrow . 

We are helping the less fortunate through farming, how to grow and sell their produce and start their own businesses.  

This gives them a mission, an income, a place to live and hope.

SumaGrow are REDUCING input costs for ranches, any kind of animal farm – lowering input costs by 50% (feed, less land use, less water, less veterinarian costs due to dystocia) and increasing LIVE birth rates, at the very least, 5%

We have seen dystocia drop 40, 60 even 100%. (less death and veterinarian bills, less feed & water)